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Old 04-01-2012, 12:22 AM
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Pop eye can be either one eye or both.

when it's one eye it's usually a shock or an infection. when it's both it is usually a kidney problem and usually fatal.

Pop eye is a condition where the eye is poping out of the head and yes it can happen with only one eye. I treated my niger trigger pop eye with Paraguard in a quarantine tank and he's 100% back to normal today. It took about 3 weeks to treat and maybe 4 to 6 weeks to completely return to normal.

Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
if its just one eye, then its likely not pop eye..... pop eye is a condition that usually effects both eyes.....its more likely that he scratched it on something.....moving him now will just be another stress....
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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