The way Bertuzzi handled that show how gutless a person he is. Hockey has always been a Full Contact sport, and always will be. If you do not want to be check they should take up Ballet or something.
Tonight in the Calgary Sun they had some writeups, Bertuzzi is no Angel when it comes to this sort of thing, he has been suspended for "stupidity" in the past. He once kicked another player with his skates, has punched Referee's etc.
What he did I think is a little more worse than old McSorley clocking Brashear with his stick. These types of people have no place in hockey.
I watched that clip of Bertuzzi over and over, and it was premediated, it was planned. Even the coach was in on it, that $250,000 fine the Team got was nothing. Bertuzzi and May went out on a change (line match) (when Moore was on the ice), They never play together. That shows there was a vendetta going to be paid on that shift. Bertuzzi was skating around not even really following the puck, he know what he was going to do.
Personally what he got is not enough. If it ends up thar Moore does not play again, then that should be the end of Bertuzzi's career as well.
As for Naslund, his comment in the paper tonight mentioned something about not hitting certain players.. Like HELLO buddy this is hockey, its about checking etc.
here is a quote from Bertuzzi
The irony of it all is just two months ago, Bertuzzi called out Denis Gauthier for a comparatively tame open-ice bodycheck on Sami Salo, injuring the Canucks defenceman's knee at the 'Dome.
"That's not how you play hockey, that's dirt," snapped Bertuzzi.
"Playing hockey is hitting a guy clean, not going for knees and trying to hurt people like that.
What does he do attacks the guy from behind with a cowardly sucker punch.. imaging some on punching you while you are a sleep, your body is not prepared.
I hope Bertuzzi's career is over,. that was a deplorable act he commited and he should have the same fate as McSorely (and I am sure he will too have a criminal record and should miss 2004-2005 season as well.
Quote from above
I dont believe marc crawford is at fault. I do believe the league is at fault for allowing shitty tactics like this fly for the past ten years. The game has seriously deteriorated into a match of hooking/slashing/poking/cheapshots and become much slower and less exciting to watch.
Damn rights Crawford is also to blame, with all the stuff various Canuck players stated to the media that there was a bounty on Moore, Crawford could of told his players to leave it be, or fight Moore, and that if anyone did anything else there would be hell to pay. Crawford is definately at fault. Check the line change he did just before the said incident, Crawford sent Burtuzzi and May out on a Line match change (canucks had last line change).. come on folks we all know May and Bertuzzi never play on the same line, that proves Crawford knew what was going on.
Setup: 180G DT, 105G Refuge (approx. 300lbs LR, 150lbs Aragonite)
Hardware: Super Reef Octopus SSS-3000, Tunze ATO, Mag 18 return, 3x MP40W, 2X Koralia 4's Wavemaker
Lighting: 5ft Hamilton Belize Sun (2x250W MH, Blue LEDs) Vertex Calcium Reactor 2x Deltec Pellet Reactors