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Old 03-31-2012, 04:15 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Carrera75 View Post
Skimerless & sumpless is all I know. That's how my very first set up ran super successfully for 7 years. I didn't have any experience back then but I did a lot of research and didn't rush it. By the way, 7 years is long term and a lot longer than most people keep their systems going.

Most people are not patient enough and they end up dumping a ton of corals and fish right away and that's just a recipe for disaster. The way I run my system is not for everyone. I care a lot about my fish and corals and I am always on top of everything making sure I provide the best environment for my livestock. At this point I know what works and what does not work for my system.

Would I suggest this method to a newbie? If this person is going to be diligent and a responsible reefer then I would say sure, why not.

Finally,I want to state that I am not saying that skimmers don't work or that skimmerless and sumpless is better. There are many ways to skin a cat and skimmerless & sumpless is what works best for me>

i agree completely, simple is an easy recipe for a sucessfull tank ,people focus too much on the small things and things they dont under stand, this hobby has alot of " miricles" that people buy into very quickly....people need to sit back and enjoy the ride....not fill the car beyond capacity and scrape down the road:P
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