Originally Posted by Carrera75
All my set ups have been sumpless & skimmerless. They all have been extremely successful with amazing growth and good coloration. Oh, and I have never had any algae issues and I feed a mix of pellets, frozen and cyclopezze about 3 times a day.
My tanks have always been very low maintenance and I don't use any fancy equipment. It's not that I can't afford buying the high end equipment. I simply don't need it to have a beautiful successful reef tank.
It might not be for everyone but it can definitely be done successfully.
I agree completely, Ive seen beautiful tanks without skimmers, I was just at Lyndsy's (flash) house and she runs no skimmer or any gfo, bio pellets ect. and her tank was beautiful.
I will still say that its easier to maintain a beautiful tank with one than without.