Originally Posted by Faithinc
I've spent the last few months visiting all the stores, and I've gotta say the staff and community at each location has been phenomenal. Everyone had great service. What I found interesting was that costs, in regards to both coral and fish, were pretty equal across the bord. Where MA or AI was higher on some fish, they were cheaper on some coral. Or where BWA has great prices on coral, some types of coral were higher than others. But over-all, whether its RC, BWA, AI--all stores have pretty average prices. At most you'd save a couple of dollars by picking up your Zoas here, your Frogspawn there, your Xenias there... but you'd lose it all in gas anyways.
I've found that when shopping for coral... the reason you shop around is not so much for price, but for selection. Finding that perfect Zoa that fits your tank, or the perfect mushroom to fill that spot in the corner--its all about preference and which LFS's has what you want/need in at the time you need/want it!
TOTALLY agree, you shouldn't shop for price because sure something is really cheap but it could turn out to look like crap so whats the gain...and your pretty right about stores being average on priceing. i was thinking that since i barely knew about half of the stores we have here that their could be this one little hidden store that was great on selection andprices were good. but this hobby is not about pricing so its all good. i i see something i like im takingit regardless of price