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Old 03-27-2012, 05:34 AM
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wmcinnes wmcinnes is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 338
wmcinnes is on a distinguished road

A few updates to share with you! (I apologize for the poor picture quality, still need to get a camera charger)

The clean up crew absolutely devoured the hair algae growth on my sand and rocks and stopped any diatoms that were starting to grow in their tracks.
I had the hardest time finding my peppermint shrimp the other morning and then I came across this...

I think my Ruby Red Emerald like the taste of peppermint... little bugger! The crab also scared me another time when I found it lying on the sand bed not moving.. buuuuut after closer inspection it was his first molt! He is quite a bit larger now and has grown his second claw back!

The unfortunate peril of my shrimp called for me to go out and get another invert that would protect itself! I picked up a Boxer Shrimp/ Coral Banded Shrimp and this guy means business. I am hoping it doesnt cause too much havoc. So far so good.

Also went out and got this little guy. Hes a busy boy thats for sure, digging himself dens/holes all over the place!

Picked up a nice size Red Starfish too add a little color! I didnt manage to get a photo because he was up against the viewing glass and I couldnt get a good shot. Another time.

Got my hands on a few more pieces of equipment as well:

A Marine Magic Doser, which will probably not be used for a while but I got it throught Eli's group buys at a deal I could not pass up

..and a Neptune Apex Lite Controller from fellow Canreefer, Wayne Mah. His tank is amazing by the way. Its got me already planning my 200+ gallon tank of the future! Awesome work Wayne and thanks again!

I did a little bit of cleaning up and organized the electrical tonight as well. Hoping to do some Apex programming after work tomorrow!

Next purchase will be lights, probably Sols, but I will be waiting until I get my income tax refund!

Oh and just for fun, this is where I was this weekend. Man oh man was it nice!

Cascade Mountain and Banff below it.


Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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