Hypo-Salinity in QT
So even after about 2 weeks of QT, my Purple Tang has Ich. It was doing great after 2 weeks up until I caught the Yellow Coris, Mystery Wrasse, and my Randall's Anthias and quarantined them all together.
The Purple Tang was covered in Ich as of last night, so this leads me to believe that Paraguard is great for prevention, but not curing Ich.
Hyposalinity here I come! I drained about 3/4 of the QT out, topped up with RO/DI and finally got Salinity down to 1.008.
As of this morning, majority of the Ich has disappeared from the Purple Tang. The other 3 fish show no signs of Ich nor stress from the Osmotic Shock Treatment.
The plan is to Hypo treat for 6 weeks, and then monitor for an additional 4 weeks.
Are there any tips for Hypo? I have 2 small filters going with just Filter Floss, about 10 lbs of LR, an airstone to help aerate the water, and a small powerhead to circulate water.
I'm feeding with NLS Thera+ pellets, a couple strips of SeaVeggies, and half a cube of either Mysis or Spirulina Enriched Brine. I feed the pellets during the day and the frozen at night. I'm planning to do about 25% water changes every 2 days to export nutrients.
Is there anything that I'm missing or that I should be aware of?
It all started with ............. "Finding Nemo"