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Old 03-25-2012, 07:44 PM
Corbin Corbin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Vancouver B.C.
Posts: 178
Corbin is on a distinguished road
Default FS: Corals and Rock


20-30heads of Green implosion palys on a piece of live rock 20$

A finger leather yellow polyps/tan skin, about 4-5 inchs

2x pieces of live rock covered with 10-15 palys, and some gsp and kenya on one of them as well. 15 each or both for 30.

Red(marroon) people eaters palys, frag poylp count from 2-10+, 5-10$ per frag

Borneman anemone 15$ if i can manange to get him to unroot his foot thats really deep in a piece of live rock or 30$ for him and this big piece of rock.

15-20 Yellow polyps, 15$ on a piece of live rock.

As well as a bunch of live base rock, all the top stuff was sold so most this stuff isnt very pretty but it still works 10-15 lbs left i think.

Live sand as well.
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