I finally caught the s*cker, I had actually given up on trying. Since everyone was saying that Wrasses are "immune" to Ich, I had picked up a Mystery Wrasse.
Quarantined the Mystery Wrasse for about a week, it was doing well, so I thought "what the heck?" and tossed him into the DT. He was doing great in the DT, he became buddies with the Yellow Coris.
Until 2 days ago, I had my buddy Bblinks over to help me setup the Marine Magic Doser, he says to me "it's got a little bit of ich.". I thought NO WAY, I looked myself and noticed a tiny speck on its fins. I thought it might just be some sand or particles that stuck onto it. But sure enough, yesterday I notice Ich spots spreading on him. Not as bad as my previous outbreak, but I didn't want Round 2.
I spent a couple hours thinking what to do. First thought, shut down the tank and leave it fallow. I had just spent about $2K re-stocking all the SPS, I'm going to flush all that down the drain? Then I had an idea flicker on in my head, I have 2 QT's, one can hold the fish, and the other can hold all the rock and corals.
So I moved the Purple Tang into the 5 gal QT first, then transferred all the LR to the 25 gal QT, caught the Mystery Wrasse and into the 5 gal he went. Then I spent about an hour sifting through the sand looking for the infamous Yellow Coris, out of no where he darts out of the sand splashes me with some water. It scraped the cr@p out of me, I was so into sifting through the sand barely seeing bottom through the cloudy water.
War was on between me and this fish. I was not going to give up again. After the hour, it gave up darting from one place into another. This is now about 3:30AM, I was tired also.
Spent the next hour relishing the fact that I had WON while re-scaping, cleaned everything up and got into bed at 5:30AM.
It all started with ............. "Finding Nemo"