Thread: Smelly tank
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Old 03-22-2012, 05:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
So...water changes, monitor ammo, do not remove dead dudes
I personally never said anything about NOT removing carcasses.
Keep an eye on your params and do what you have to do.
So what's your ammo at now? And your nitrites/nitrates?
Like I said earlier, test them frequently until you are comfortable/find a base-line.
Because you have an ammo issue, 0.25, I recommend you test frequently until you see a base-line. Before that, you should be doing water changes to keep the ammo at bay.
Ammo can rise in hours, not days, so you need to monitor it constantly.
And I did mention the bit about things that can reduce ammo. Prime or AmQuel. Don't over-do them. They will drop your o2 to near death levels.

So, are you doing another ammo test as you read this?
You should be. And you should have at least one powerhead breaking the surface of your DT too.

Report back tomorrow with your reading.

Sorry to come across as short, I'm tired and going to bed
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