Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo
I checked my records from 2010 and 2011. The first time I tried the pellets in 2011 my KH was at about 11dkh and the second time in early 2011 it was 8-9dkh. However I usually keep it up at about 10dkh as it helps to keep the systems pH a little bit higher. ~8.1 in the summer and ~7.9 in the winter.
I haven't tried potassium yet but I think I'll give it a shot. My other two Montipora colonies are still a bit light in colour but at least they continue to grow.
I have several fish with eating disorders so I need to ensure that they are well fed. My CBB will experiment by nipping at new coral if it doesn't get 3 feedings a day. The powder blue tang will consume soft corals if it doesn't have a constant supply of nori. And the snowflake moray gets a little too adventurous if it isn't sated three times a week.
Hmmmm intersting, so are you still running pellets or not? If you are why don't you try to lower the alk to 7-8 and leave it for a bit and see what happens. Potassium level and iodine both can be measured, as much as we like it is only speculation if we don't test. With amount of fish and your feeding schedule I don't think you have any issue of producing nitrate and phosphate but I am still convinced it has some thing to do with mass nutrience reduction and elevated alk level.