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Old 03-21-2012, 02:57 PM
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Default Calgary area achilles tang and moray eels

ACHILLES TANGOne large achilles tang, been in my tank for four years now. Eats everything, but love his nori. He is about 6-7" long and is very healthy and strong. $225 OBO

SMALL SNOWFLAKE MORAY EEL Have had this guy for over a year, he was the size of a pencil and is now about 14" long. In the time I have had him, he is always facing the glass, so people can enjoy him $20

LARGE SNOWFLAKE MORAYThis guy is about 20" long and also is at the front of the tank where he can be seen. $40

Both eels are peaceful and eat their food without target feeding.

Can email photos.
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