Originally Posted by monocus
good luck catching it later
+1 I have an adult red corris in my reef tank right now. Put him in the reef tank when he was a juvi so my lunare wrasse that I had at the time in my fowlr wouldn't kill it. However about 2yrs ago I had some strange disease go through my tanks and I lost my lunare (as well as a few others) and when I tried to catch the red corris and move him over to QT it proved impossible. In my 230g reef I had every rock out of the tank and I still couldn't catch him. Dug up the whole sand bed and still no luck, waited 3 days and there was no sign of him. Figured he died and put the rock back. A week later I saw him out and about doing just fine still in the reef tank. He's grown quite a bit since I first got him and he's also killed pretty much all my snails and crabs in my reef