Originally Posted by kwok
ok that could be the reason and i do blame myself for being a bit too impatient adding too many fish at a time even though i added a new fish about once a week and if i wanted to start over again how should i approach it? if all my fish are going to die and it's starting to look like that do i just wait till they die and then let my tank keep cycling with just hermit crabs and if so when can i add a fish cause my reading's show 0's?
thas ok and its quite common just about everyone who starts a tank does the same its more affected to small tanks so yours would be hit a bit harder then a 100g tank with the same fish.
if you are just showing a small amount of amonia i would do a water change , since your in edmonton i would look into getting rid of the scooter.
if your tank has been runnig for 2 mths you should be ok with the clowns provided you make sure your amonia is gone.
theres a number of things you can use for amonia i like water changes and prime
test for amonia reguarily while the tank is young if the test doesnt quite look yellow then its prosbaly not:P