In deed, at high PH and hight temperature, even a trace of ammonia can be toxic.
If your conditioner is anything like Prime, it only control ammonia for 24 hours and it must be dosed every 24 hours until the ammonia is undetectible.
Prime is also said to neutralize heavy metal, not sure if this is true or not. For a RO unit, look in the local add like on kijiji, or ebay, or put some post mentioning you are looking for one on a budget. Maybe someone has one for sale.
Originally Posted by reefwars
should read 0 for amonia if theres any amonia it could be the cause of heavy brething could even be lethal in even just small amounts.
if theres amonia in your tank then your not finished cycling yet and with 3 fish in a 20g it would make sense that they are breathing heavy.