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Old 03-19-2012, 03:43 PM
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Reef Supplies Reef Supplies is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
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Reef Supplies is on a distinguished road

Everyone has a list of products that work well for them. Here are my suggestions...

1- Your SeaChem Reef Calcium is great for raising your levels. You will also need something to raise alk, have a look at Seachem reef Carbonate or Brightwell Alkalin 8.3

2- Once you get your CAL/ALK levels up to where you feel comfortable you should consider dosing a quality 2-part to keep your levels stable.

There are many DIY recipes for this but there are also great off the shelf product you can buy such as Brightwell Code A and B

3- One thing that is always overlooked in Magnesium. You need to keep mag over 1300 to maintain CAL/ALK. Brightwell has a great mag solution called Magnesion.

Id drop the purple-up. The above will get you all the coralline you need Calcium to produce coralline algae.

Happy reefing
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