Originally Posted by Myka
Sorry to say that is not coralline, it is cyanobacteria.
Thanks for the tip!
Well today I will finally post some pictures and details of my tank disaster. I was sitting on my couch watching tv when I heard water running in my house. I looked at my sink to check if it was on, but it wasn't. Then I looked at my tank to see that it was only 3/4 full. I stood up and noticed water all over the floor. When I opened cupboard doors to my stand there was a river of water pouring out. I took my water change buckets and started catching the water. I caught one pail, then dumped that water in the toilet and switched out pails. I filled one pail up with my liverock, and then set it under the stand to fill up with the tanks water. Then I netted my fish, shrimp, and crabbed my corals/which snails i could see and put them in a water pitcher with water from the tank. Then with my final 5gal pail I put the remaining live rock, my sand, and caught the rest of the water from the tank. I drove to petsmart and purchased a new 20gal tank with the same dimensions as mine so the light would fit. Before i put it on my stand i checked it again with a level and it was perfect so I set the tank on the stand, and started to aquascape my liverock.

after my first pail was in I dumped the water from the pail in and added a heater to the main tank. The water in my pitcher with the fish was down to 73 degrees, so i added a very small heater to that.

Now that i had a pail free I mixed some new salt water and started heating it. Then I took my final pail of liverock and added to the aquascape, dumped in the water, and dumped in the sand.
I forgot about the heater in my pitcher (rookie mistake) and it managed to heat up to 79 way faster then it should have. I removed the heater and added it to the main tank along with the pail of new mixed salt water. The rest of the evening consisted of switching my small heater bewteen big tank and pitcher every 5 to 10 mins to attempt to keep the pitcher at a constant heat. Finally in about 1.5 hours the main tank was the same tamp as the pitcher so i added the livestock. I then added a powerhead, but the tank was not full enough to run my skimmer.

I mixed one more pail of salt water but it was 1:00 am and I didn't have time to wait for it to heat up (I had a university midterm the next morning at 8:30) so I left it heat over night and i called it a day. The next morning i added the new water and plugged all my electronics back in.
Since then the tank has become crystal clear and everything seems completely happy. I really like my new aquascape, so that is a bonus. A big thanks to my brother Nathan (nastaynatron) who called my during the chaos and gave me the right info on how to save my fish
--my house in chaos
---the crack