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Old 03-18-2012, 02:34 AM
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mike31154 mike31154 is offline
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My Mandarin is fine with a mated pair of Maroon Clownfish in the system. I had two male Mandarins for a while & even that kind of worked, but not long term so I passed the little Mandarin on to another hobbyist. Once in a while the Mandarin will get a little close to the Maroons' clutch of eggs & the female will give him a little nudge, but that's about it. I believe Mandarins have some sort of coating that is very distasteful, so most other fish leave them alone after the first encounter.

You shouldn't have a problem. Feeding might be the only thing. Many Mandarins will not take any kind of prepared food & risk starvation in a system without sufficient pod population. It's a bonus that yours are trained to take prepared food.
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