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Old 03-17-2012, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by HaZRaTTy View Post

Awesome build thread, great documentation. There is only one thing that I noticed that you might want to look into.

From what I understand ''T''n off the return with a gate and restricting flow adds stress on your return, which shorts life. If that's something you can deal with. Awesome.

Suggestion - From your Herbie, and your Emergency. Plumb your Emergency drain into your Fuge. The amount of water running through your fuge can be controlled directing from the gate valve of your main drain line.

Otherwise. Freaken awesome. can't wait to see the tank/fish/coral updates!!
I see what you are saying but my education tells me that a recirc on the outlet of the return pump into the refugium actually creates less backpressure on the pump and thus will actually prolong the life of the pump. If I had a gate valve throttling the flow directly on the outlet of the pump you would be correct, but the tee'd off line acting as slow flowing recirc line is a good thing! This is actually used in industry to prolong $$$ pump life.

Everything is working just peachy for me! So I am happy so far! Thanks for the input

Rainforest of the Sea
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