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Old 03-12-2012, 05:16 PM
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Harpo Harpo is offline
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Location: Calgary Alberta
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So Caulerpa is bad for the tank? Also, how do I lower my nutrients w/o killing ,my snails and shrimp. In above comment turbo snail was mentioned but I have 4 and if they do eat it, it's minimal.

Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Some tangs will eat Caulerpa and most Foxface Rabbitfish will, but obviously your tank is way too small for a tang or Foxface. Some seahares will eat Caulerpa. Blennies won't usually touch Caulerpa, and I've never come across any snails, shrimp, or crabs that will eat it.

You're better off picking it out as best you can once a week and work on lowering nutrients. You should be able to eradicate it in a couple months.
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