I am posting this tank for a relative, he is moving and no longer wants to move the tank. This tank has current 4 fish in it, and he is willing to part the fish if the price is right. There is a show size 12"+ sohal tang, 12"+ French angel, 6"+ Blue, 12"+ Vlamingi Tang. These are beautiful fish that has been with him for over 7 years and will do very well in an establish and larger aquarium. He is willing let the whole system go for 2000 OBO, please contact him if you want a particular fish and a price will be arranged. Please keep in mind the prices he may will be quite high due to the size and quality of these fish.
The system has a berlin skimmer, power compact lights, 20-30 gallon sump, 30 gallon spare tank, heater, around 70 lbs of live rock, live sand and misc. items such as food and salt. Pretty much the entire system at his house. He is willing to give perference to ones who will take the entire tank setup. The price listed is OBO he is willing negotiate to serious buyers. His email is
Lenjeswong@yahoo.ca, or pm me for any other questions for a quicker response.