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Old 03-11-2012, 02:59 PM
janalta janalta is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Kelowna
Posts: 60
janalta is on a distinguished road

Just whipping up a QT tank now won't do any good....just like any tank, a QT has to have time to cycle and stabilize before putting fish into it. ( besides which, all of your fish and your tank have already been exposed to whatever you introduced )
I don't see any conflicting advice on water changes?
Start with changing approx 25% of your water. Make sure you are running carbon and some sort of Phos Danielle said, add Prime to your water.
leave your tank for 24-48 hours and teast your parameters again.
If things are still out of wack...repeat the water change.

Check with your LFS to see if they have a reef safe antibacterial product.

Set up a proper QT before purchasing anything else...and let it cycle properly
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