Originally Posted by FWC
There have been two in the last week.
First was a female anthias who was badly beat up by my male ,and she soon developed a cloudy layer over he eyes ,followed by clowing over by her whole body ,loss of balance ,stopped eating and died.
I replaced her with another female last night ,and she looks to be pretty healthy so far.
Originally Posted by FWC
I picked up a little cleaner wrasse toight to help ease the fishes itching, all my fish are molesting him to clean them :P
Originally Posted by FWC
O.k ,more info.
I just tested the water ,it came back the following. It probably also explains the coral not looking so hot.
Nitate = 3
Nitrite = 0.05
Ammonia = 0.7
pH = 7.3 (I believe the low ammonia is why the coral is un-happy)
Tank has been up for about 2 months
Also the anthias wasnt ill looking when I added her ,however after a few days eyes ,and then body clouded over and she died.
Also something is coming over the filefish. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
too many added at too soon i believe you maxed out your bio load, there are 6 fish in the picture above and the tank is only 2 mths old.....minus cycling and its alot of fish in a couple short weeks.
the tests say so them selves there should be no amonia present in a healthy tank.
fish will always go to the cleaner because there is nothing else they can do the cleaner will always accept a free meal.
first i would get rid of the amonia by a hefty water change and feed the fish with garlic soaked foods.i wouldnt add anything else to the tank for a few weeks, they really need to mature. the way to a successful tank from scratch is one with a low bio load added over time.
good luck