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Old 03-10-2012, 07:38 PM
janalta janalta is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Kelowna
Posts: 60
janalta is on a distinguished road

By clean...I wasn't talking about your glass.
Rock and sand that have time to cycle, cure, age and grow the beneficial bacteria you need for a healthy tank are not white and clean.
A healthy sand bed has color, it has bacteria and fauna in will be able to see tunnels and tracks under the water line from the critters that are cleaning up the detrius.
Rock will be will have good algae growth....coralline in shades of pink, green, red and purple.
These are the backbone to a healthy tank with natural filtration....and your tank has no signs of the above .

Throwing 6 or 7 fish into an immature tank is a recipe for disaster.
I went 3 months with no fish...then added one damsel....several months later I added a clown. My tank was 6 months old before adding a third.
Now that my tank is more mature....has recovered from a recent move, has plenty of growth on the rocks and a healthy, live sand bed....I will go out and get all of the fish I've wanted in it.

Your corals and inverts are the best gauge to the health of your tank....they will tell you long before your fish that something isn't right....and your corals and inverts don't look good at all....they're not happy campers.

Testing your water won't tell you what you've introduced into your tank....and a cleaner fish won't cure anything. If it's not parasitic, it's bacterial or fungal...but it is obviously not thriving right now.

BTW - cleaner shrimp and wrasses will clean anything and everything you put in your isn't an indication that there is necessarily a parasite

Last edited by janalta; 03-10-2012 at 07:40 PM.
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