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Old 03-10-2012, 05:34 PM
janalta janalta is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
when why would they pile up to get cleaned by the wrasse if it was water quality?

That could be but also there are maybe some parasites.

Unless there is some ammonia, I doubt the fish would scratch from water quality. But then again, the tank does look like it's brand old is that tank?
Never said there wasn't a parasite issue....if they fish are all scratching against rocks and sand, they no doubt have either parasites or some sort of bacterial or fungal issue.
The state of the zoas looks like they have the same issue.

If you simply throw a lot of livestock into a brand new're going to have problems. This tank has no visable life in the sand bed yet, no growth on any of the rock or looks very new and barren.
From the sounds of it nothing was dipped or quarantined either.
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