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Old 03-10-2012, 04:15 PM
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lockrookie lockrookie is offline
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trust ins sphelps.. there are good reasons for his request. it is best youhave someone pick up p the box right from fed ex rather than have it bounce around in a truck all morning before it gets to you. the frags (especially sps) are fragile and most likely glued on frg stones just before it was packed for shipping. if the fragcomes unglued it could damage teh alredy traumatized frag from bieng snipped to its death point.

secondly burc needs to know right away if there are possibe doa's if he feels teh package wasnt handled or picked up in a timely manor he could refuse replacement. sothat being said if you have someone who has experiaance with frags / fragalot head up the orderit is to the benifit of all parties.

been there done that like burc but have haad both goodand bad dealings.
im quite happy it seems he has stepped up his game all ive beenhearing is good comments this past couple months.

just my 2 cents
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