Everything must go
I am parting out and selling my 70G show tank setup. Everything is for sale including livestock and rock.
Need to get rid of the livestock, rock and sand before I can get rid of anything else obviously. All reasonable offers will be considered. This was not my pet project, it was a former roommates and I have been left with it. After 6 months of taking care of it, I have grown tired and would like to see it gone and free up the space in my living room.
**Please keep in mind, anywhere that I describe a colour I may be off as I am red/green colorblind**
There is approximately 65 lbs of live rock remaining. I am selling for $4/lb.
Lots of Green star polyp covering the rock as well.
3 Orange bubble tip anenome's. $20/each
Red/Orange Mushrooms (Approximately 10 on one rock, 2 on tail end of ship and 2 on another rock) $make me an offer
Tree Coral thing (on rock with approx 10 mushrooms, $$$make me an offer)
Front and back half of ship. Front half has GSP growing on it, rear half has mushrooms growing. ($50/each)
Mated pair of Maroon Clowns. Living together for year and a half and no problems. She is about 3" long and strong, he is about 1" long $$$$100 for the pair
Hawaiian blue tang - Saw them selling similar size for $89 last weekend at the store, asking $50.
Yellow eyed tang $40
Purple Ras $25
Engineer Gobi $25
There are other fish in as well that I simply do not know the species of
70 Gallon upper tank with metal stand
30 Gallon overflow tank
pumps and wave fans
protein skimmer
High output lights
I am accepting all reasonable offers for this stuff. Sick of getting completely low balled on Kijiji.
You can reach me on my email at
mikeyjohnson45 AT gmail DOT com.