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Old 03-08-2012, 02:39 AM
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asylumdown asylumdown is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
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you willing to try something like red slime remover? The more I read about cyano, the more I am starting to think of it as an infection, and less like a normal algae. I used to get cyano outbreaks in the planted FW tank I had at my old office all the time, even though all the parameters were spot on. Then I'd treat it with an anti-biotic and the tank would be utterly pristine until I would add a new fish, and within days, boom. Cyano. It seems to come and go in everyone's tank regardless of their water parameters, eve the most pristine, ULNS tanks can get it. I was too afraid to try something chemical in my last tank, but people seem to report reasonable success with certain products in reef tanks so I don't know if I'll be so conservative the next time around.

As for the house... so close man. sooooo close. The place looks fantastic, better than I could even have imagined. Kevin and I are going to plumb the tank on Saturday, and hopefully fill it up and turn the pump on for a leak test/clean of all the dust and crap that's settled in it.
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