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Old 03-07-2012, 10:26 PM
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Reefie Reefie is offline
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Default Ich and a Yellow Coris Wrasse..........

So........I've been battling Ich for the past several weeks.

I've finally drained the tank and removed all but one lone Yellow Wrasse that refuses to be caught. It dives into the substrate and hides in there for hours. I even sifted through the sand while the tank was drained to no avail.

My plan was to remove all fish and leave the tank fallow for 8-9 weeks while treating all the fish with Paraguard in a QT. This particular Yellow Wrasse has never shown any sypmtoms of Ich. My question for the experts is this; will the Ich re-appear if I left the 1 Yellow Wrasse in the DT even after the 8-9 weeks? It seems immune to Ich so far.

I have a very small 2" Purple Tang and a Flame Angelfish that I would like to re-introduce into the DT after the 2 months in QT. My fear is that they will get re-infected with Ich and my nightmare starts all over again.

I've read all about the life cycle of Ich, and technically the Yellow Wrasse "should" have Ich, but mysteriously it does not. Is it going to be safe for me to bring the fish back into the DT?
It all started with ............. "Finding Nemo"

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