Originally Posted by RGS88
I agree that the water cooling fans should of been hooked up to the timer. This is a bad design. I can get huge temperature fluctuations in a 24 hour period... anywhere from 76 up to 84. Lucky to this point I haven't lost anything because of temperature fluctuations. I am planning to rewire those back water cooling fans to their own separate circuit and timer so that they can go on and off the same time as the lights.
As I stated, I don't use the timer, I switch my lights on and off manually, and yes my fan goes on when I stitch the lights on and off when I switch the lights off.
I'm with Mike, it should be fairly easy to rewire the fan into the the timer if that's what you use. I never could figure out the damn timer.. So I'm old school.. Click the lights when I want light and off when I got to bed. Works for me..