Originally Posted by apepper
I would probably take the extra precaution and treat the fish anyway just to ensure that the 6 week fallow period has every chance of being successful.
I will consider your suggestion. The Qtank is not yet cycled for the bioload it has to handle. I'm leery of upsetting the current nitrifying bacteria by reducing salinity at this point, but you are right that ich may have entered the Qtank undetected.
What I will do, while the tank completes its cycle, is carefully monitor the fish. In the confines of a 20g, it would take a relatively short period of time, imo, for ich to present itself. I'd rather extend the Q time by a few weeks, especially in an uncycled tank (dang!!), and treat if necessary than to treat solely on the possibility ich may be present in the Qtank.
Will let you know if the fish get ich while in the Qtank.