Originally Posted by mattdean
You're supposed to clean the overflow box? Really? WTF?!?!?! LOL!
I just siphon it out every blue moon. I can get my hand in there easily. Actually, I have rock in the overflow box.
I honestly can't imagine having an external box and pips coming up. It just seems crude and unattractive to me.
yes, if you have detritus in your overflow (which you do), it's a good idea to siphon it every once in a while.
As for "crude and unattractive"..first that's your opinion which (second) is based on the assumption that it will be visible
This type of overflow is much easier to maintain and troubleshoot if anything goes wrong.
Steve, Yes, I'm sure the box will be an add-on if this id the final design. I just didn't feel like messing with the rendering to reflect that. Yeah, I'm lazy.