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Old 03-06-2004, 01:49 AM
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Didn't quite believe you when you suggested some nitrifying bacteria live in the water column, so I asked the question on RC. Seems you are right, at least according to one source. Okay, so now I am a believer.

One thing that I had on hand was a small foam from a cycled tank. Used it to begin the cycle in the 20g Qtank, though I did have to add another AquaClear and about 4 times as much foam to have enough surface area for the size of fish that were to go into the tank.

The Other Steve,

Since the fish are showing no signs of ich for the past 3-4 weeks, and if they don't show any signs in the few weeks to come, I see no reason to treat for something they do not have.

As you have said and as I have read on ATJ's hyposalinity treatment page, if the main tank is left fallow for 6 weeks, the ich will not have hosts when they hatch and become active, and the main tank will be free of ich too.

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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