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Old 03-03-2012, 05:09 AM
msjboy msjboy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: burnaby
Posts: 268
msjboy is on a distinguished road

Since youare in richmond, check out Japanese dollar store Diaso in Aberdeen center if you have never been there. I almost bought a splash guard for stove tops..made of cardboard and aluminized sheet. That place is full of unique stuff you will probably think of other DIY stuff.

Also, I think Rustan metals in east vancouver ( up north clark/hastings area) might have aluminum for you. Phone them... I believe they can do custom parts / etc. too.

Lastly, if you ggot some money to do a DIY end cap or holder, check out they do 3d printing in stainless or alumide. You can do the 3d model in Sketchup which is free. Parts are relatively cheap.


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