Thread: Water changes
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Old 03-02-2012, 05:23 PM
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On more post regarding cost of dosing vs water change as that came up.

System size: 25 gallon
Demand: Low

Water change:
Decent salt brand - $70 / 150 gallons
Min requirement - 10% change per month
Cost: $ 1.17 per month

Dosing (rates are based on bottle instructions):
Trace Element - $20/500ml (5ml/week)
Mag - $10/500ml (5ml/week)
Potassium - $12/500ml (2.5ml/week)
Alk - $8/500ml (10ml/week)
Ca - $10/500ml (10ml/week)
Cost: $2.88 per month

So dosing will cost you more than twice as much and do less but it is easier.
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