Thread: Water changes
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Old 03-02-2012, 05:43 AM
ReefOcean ReefOcean is offline
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Location: Ridge Meadows
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ReefOcean is an unknown quantity at this point

Originally Posted by Aquaria View Post
I already said u can search what's in your choice of salt (and its not just calc alk) so im not just "arbitrarily adding a indeterminable amount"
make a batch and test it. And I am not talking about that 50 dollar a bag Louis Vuitton or whatever designer salt. I am talking Kent or instant ocean, the garden variety stuff. The ingredients are not accurate. If they can't even get the cal or mag correct, how is those miniscual trace elements going to be at all correct.

But wait, you can't even test those miniscule trace elements accurately unless you are a hydro electric damn or a reservoir. So it is moot. Cal, mag, and the biggies you can, but aquarium unobtanium which helps in hypothetical this and that, good luck.... to put it as bluntly as possible. Your salt mix dosing is not better then my bottle dosing. End of story.
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