Originally Posted by ReefOcean
I still don't see how it is lazy. Because you label it as such?
And true, I have asked for help. Aquattro has giving me advice many times on this forum that i have used and i appreciate it. But that doesn't mean there arent alternatives to look at. It doesn't make you guys my superiors.
Sorry if that's the tone you're reading, it's not my intention. I'm certainly no smarter or wiser than you, maybe I've been doing this a bit longer, but that's it. It's difficult to discuss this in a thread environment, it would be better at the pub where we could yell and stuff
There are lots of alternatives to many things, I just believe closed systems have a finite lifespan, and water changes prolong that life. But as I said, most reefers don't keep their tanks setup for that lifespan, so we can't prove this either way.
For me, my fish are my pets. My corals are a huge investment in time and money, and I want to do the very best to keep them as vigorous as I possibly can. I feel I do this best by changing water often. People come to my house and say "wow" a lot, so I figure it's working. But if you're reef is fine, then so be it. It will still probably live longer than you're going to keep it going anyway, statistically. But what I am suggesting is that your fine reef might be even finer if you changed water.