Originally Posted by tim the toolman
Lol......this sure did take a turn for the hateful. It seems to be that people are happy to take the lazy route and have success, while others don't mind putting in the effort and also have success. So I guess everyone is right in their own mind. And as long as people are happy with their own systems what's the harm. I would just say to people who are going to remain closed minded that asking for help is a little foolish if it is only to spit in the faces of the helpful.
the matter of fact is that every tank is different. and there are a million factors that contribute to the outcome.
i agree that without a way of nutrient export, waterchanges are really the only way to go. but if someone is having success using an algae scrubber, refugium, prodibio, zeo, or whatever else, why is that the bad or lazy way of doing it?