Originally Posted by Faithinc
I've read the Beananimal style of drainage...and I understand most of it--however, I would need to essentially re-design the tank including re-drilling the holes, which I don't really have the equipment for. Right now I've got a plastic wall sectioning off the back right corner of the tank (about 15% of the tank) that goes from top to bottom. I'd need to remove that, drill the hole, built a 3" drainage box for the top to be able to use Beananimals methods.... is it really worth it? Especially on my first saltwater tank?
Most fish stores will drill. As for the box, it is very easy to make. All you need is a 10 dollar cutter, some sort of straight edge, silicone and some glass.
I think it is very much worth it and anybody that has one will probably say the same thing. The added security against a flood is worth it by itself. The fact it makes little noise compared to other overflows is an awsome added bonus. BTW, you don't need a box that extends the entire length of the tank like in the diagram. The added space the box will take up will be small.