90 gallon nondrilled tank 18x24x48
HOB skimmer and Sump overflow
stand and canopy suitable for above measured tank
20 ish gallon sump 3 baffles 12x15x30
2 x 150 watt heaters not fully submersible
2 x 600 powerheads
1 x 400 powerhead
33 gallon non drilled tank 12x18x36
stand for 33 as well
50 lbs live sand
pink tube anemone pictured below
coralife skimmer
red prism deluxe skimmer
T5 48" 4x54w
T5 36" 4 x 39
Fluval 205
Lights 48" MH 2 x 250 and 2 woer compact. I ballast isn't firing. other is fine. see picture below. i cant find a link for it
Taking offers on everything. My bf doesnt like living in a fish store. lol.

PM or text me 604-721-7224