Thread: FS entire setup
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Old 03-01-2012, 03:06 PM
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chevyjaxon chevyjaxon is offline
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The Corals are gone, It is rather lightly stocked atm. 2 tangs(non conspecific), a tomato clown, watchman goby, figi blue Devil, and some hermit crabs. I forgot to mention there are 4 powerheads, 3 are maxijets, 1 is a koralia. also there is a redsea wavemaster to switch the powerheads on and off. there is a pinpoint PH monitor, and the skimmer is a well broken in modified superskimmer 220 (works great btw) those pictures are how the tank looks right now. just not stocked as heavy anymore. Im probably forgetting more stuff. Like I said to buy this tank new you wont build it for less than 20k Im open to realistic cash offers my price is not firm. Im not parting the tank out I will only sell as a whole unit. I will trade for a one ton pickup truck straight across.
always just 2cents until im broke
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