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Old 03-01-2012, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Wicked awesome, thanks for sharing this. How did you fly in (where did the flights go in and out of)? I'd love to do something like this myself some day..
Hi Tony, the flight was out of Los Angeles with Air New Zealand. The flight was 10 hours arriving at 5am in Raraotonga.

We stayed at the Rarotongan Beach Resort in Rarotonga for 17 nights. This resort is located in the center of the only marine reserve, so the fish are very friendly. We constantly had a school of Arugia butterfly fish and Picasso triggers following us around.

We then stayed 3 nights at the in Aitutaki. If I could do it again I would have stayed in Aitutaki for at least 5 days.

This was on my "bucket list" and if I had the chance would go back in a second.

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