Well there seems to be quite the buzz about Cook Island Clams lately with BWA & The Reef Shoppe bringing some in. I had the opportunity this august while on vacation to visit the Ministry of Marine resources clam farming operations on the beautiful island of Aititaki.
Unfortunately no one was there to tell me about the operation. All I could do was take some pictures of the vats they had with some baby clams.
I was told by our hotel concierge who was also our driver and the Mayor of the island that they had cages just off the beach in front of the farm that had hundreds of clams in them. Unfortunately we didn’t have our snorkelling gear with us, and didn’t get to see them.
I was surprised that there was very little water movement if any in the vats.
Here are a couple of pictures from the farm and a link to my album on Photobucket in case you want to see more.
As well I took 2900 underwater pictures on this trip and have downloaded some pictures of the clams I saw while snorkelling. All the pictures were taken with my new Canon Powershot D10 without any flash.
Here is the link to those… enjoy!