Originally Posted by Rice Reef
Guys, thanks for sharing the good and the bad... you have convinced me to reconsider. Now, I need to talk to my sons about this... not going to be easy... 
im not trying to deter you cats can be great i had alot of great cats over the years this one is just a pain in my butt. i had found a cat when i was 16 and he was the best cat i had a dog bit him. there was blood tried to take him to the vet wich he wouldnt let me near him. he healed on his own and after that day every dog in the neighbourhood walked on the other side of the street. he would actually attack friendson command loved that cat lol.
but there can be costs to any pet. fish dogs cats i just felt you needed to understand they are not a set it and let it pet. if they are unhappy with you they will let you know.