Originally Posted by Mrfish55
I have 1 cat that could care less about the tank, the kitten stares at the tank but has yet to make a move, I was concerned about claws and the acrylic tank but I am shutting that down now and most likely cutting it up anyway so I'm not so worried now.
That's my ideal cat... sit and stare at the tank with me...
Originally Posted by Coasting
I have 4 cats and none of them give a hoot about the fish tanks. With the stand my SW is 2 feet off the ground, beside the fireplace which has a 2ft wide ledge 1ft off the ground. Only the dog cares about the tanks, the most the youngest cat will do is put his 2 front paws on the fireplace ledge and sniff the QT tank that I have on the ledge. The FW tanks are in rooms the cats dont usually go in but are super accessable by them and they just dont care. The SW and FW tanks are however covered in dog snot. I have a egg crate top just incase a cat does decide to care 
My stand is 3.5 ft from the ground. I don't think she can jump this high right now but who knows in couple years...