Originally Posted by Flash
i have lights on top of my tank and a screen cover! they sit on the arm of the couch and watch and tap the glass from time to time but that's about it
Not planning anytime soon in putting a screen over my tank at this time... hope this won't be a huge concern...
Originally Posted by sphelps
It may jump in the tank once but it will never do it again after that. Mine only jumped in once but the tank say there empty for a few weeks and the cat got use to hanging out in it. Then when I started filling it the cat had a little swim but it got out just fine.
Honestly though my best advice, don't get a cat, they ruin your life and live forever.
Like to hear your story of how a pussy cat ruined your life...
Originally Posted by makana
My cats can't reach my reef so its not a problem. It took me close to two years to realize that the reason my freshwater fish never lived more than a couple months was that the cat would sit next to the tank at bat at the fish all night long. I started putting a towel over the tank at night and didn't loose another fish for well over a year.
There are lots of videos out there of cats falling into open top tanks though. The trick is to have it tall enough that the cat can't jump on it, no room on the stand for the cat to use as a step, and no furniture next to the tank for the cat to jump from.
Guess I should go thru all the cat youtube vids...