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Old 02-27-2012, 08:22 PM
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Default Zebra moray eel. Anyone else have one?

Does anyone else have a zebra moray eel? I am setting up a new 125 (well new to me) and the tank came along with a 30" moray eel. I have done a bit of research on them, but would love to pick the brains of those of you that have one too.

He is passive. The guy I bought the tank from, fed him by hand (noooooo thank you! lol) He also picked him up out of the water and placed him directly into the bucket for transport. for the next few days, I will be keeping him in my existing 90 , while i get the new 125 cleaned out. This moray has lived harmoniously with his tank mates thus far, buuuuuut I'd like to set my new tank up as BB. I dont want any sand at all. Will this be suitable for him. What do you guys think?

175 Gallon Tank, 33 Gallon Sump, 2 x AI COLOR SOL, Leather corals, colts corals, several brain corals, misc frogspawn, misc sps corals, purple tang, yellow tang, naso tang, hippo tang, 4 clown fish, 5 clams and many many inverts
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