I have the marine atlas by Baensch. I do not think it is the newest version 1994. But it has a very interesting section on Caulerpa. I like caulerpa, so I have never really tried to get rid of it. I guess you could say I am a quite bias when it comes to macro algae. It has so many interesting biological functions in a reef. I have also read that no healthy reef is without caulerpa or a similar species. Never the less here are 2 suggestions from the book and one of my own.
1. Berthelina Choloris (DALL, 1918) was suggested to be a bivalve that specifically targets and eats caulerpa spices.
2. Since caulerpa is essentially one giant cell some species can bleed to death. The section states that the algae creates wound plugs when fish nip and eat the algae to stop it from bleeding to death. The section goes on to suggest applying pressure to the stolon (the tube that has the roots and leaves coming out) to create a wound plug before cutting the section. It might be possible if you spinkled some kalk powder on the caulerpa out of water it might burn holes in the algae without the force to make the wound plug up. Possibly causing the algae to bleed to death.
3. You might also try Hydrogen peroxide. The full strength stuff they sell at garden stores can be pretty lethal to certain kinds of algae.
Last edited by FitoPharmer; 02-27-2012 at 07:41 PM.