My 6ft Slice of Ocean. . .
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02-27-2012, 07:28 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 162
Tank Disaster and Upgrade
Well A lot of things have happened since my last post. I went to CUBA for a 2 week vaccation with my girlfriend, Amanda, that was awesome. Did lots of snorkeling and had a blast. When I arrived home I found what was left of my tank. Im not sure exactly what happened but im thinking it was something like the skimmer overflowing. My roommate was feeding the fish but thats where her knowledge ends. She tried her best to keep things alive. The fish I lost are as follows: Foxface Rabbitfish, Purple Firefish, mated pair of Barletts Anthias, Mated pair of Squarespot Anthias, Naso Tang, Flame Angelfish. I also lost all of my coral except for a few zoanthids and a couple sps that seem to be making a comeback. Also one of my urchins and my coral banded shrimp did not make it. When I arrived home I began immediate waterchanges to try and keep the remaining fish alive. Here are a few pictures of the tank after 90 gallons of waterchanges:
My Anthias RIP
After a week of chaos with starting a new job and trying to get the tank straightened out, I was frustrated and ready to start my upgrade I had planned. It was a crazy week but I managed to pull it off! I can tell you the tank looks SWEEEET now! For now here are some pictures as the upgrade was happening. I had the tank running half full with a cartridge filter for 4 days while I worked on the project. I stayed on top of waterchanges during this time in order to keep the water quality up for the fish who just went through so much the weeks prior.
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