My shipment comes in today. YAY! I had a good look in the tank and it looks more bare than before.... hmmm A lot of the green grape is disintegrating, while others are still green. I have noticed a few stem tips are starting to grow so I will rip those out today and squish the rest of the stem that I can see. I dunno what is going on, but I like it

Even my calpura prolifera is melting.

Which I don't like but, focus right now is to get corals back to health and get grape back to a manageable state or gone.
My frogspawn is puffing up very nicely and my candycane is very puffy again

Needs some time to heal itself and cover the exposed skeleton. I didnt see any feeders come out but when I do I will give it some num nums.
Next week I think im going to stir the sandbed like crazy and do another 50% WC. Im thinking that helped out quite a bit.